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All of our Student News of our students' highlights and successes are below, including awards, prizes, and publications. If you are a current student and have something you are proud of and are happy for us to share, please contact us at or fill in this form.

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Marisa Di Monaco best poster

Marisa Di Monaco, Warwick third year MIBTP student, was awarded 1 of 5 best posters at the University of Warwick PGR Student Symposium. Marisa's poster was entitled: "What is the function of a cytoplasm-eating related protein in the nucleus?"

Fri 29 Mar 2019, 13:06 | Tags: award

Olivia Nippe best seminar presentation

Olivia Nippe, Warwick final year student, was one of 5 students who was awarded best seminar at the University of Warwick Postgraduate Research Student Symposium. Olivia's presentation was entitled: "Do microbial effectors interfere with the plant circadian rhythm?"

Fri 29 Mar 2019, 13:04 | Tags: award

Rory Osborne J Colhoun prize - BSPP

Rory Osborne, a final year Warwick student, was awarded the British Society for Plant Pathology (BSPP) J Colhoun prize at their 2018 presidential conference.

The best poster prize of £100 was awarded to Rory was for his poster "Exploiting effectors of a fungal mutualist to enhance crop production".

Picture: Rob Jackson, Rory and Murray Grant.

Tue 12 Mar 2019, 14:33 | Tags: award

Anna Gonzalez Gil PH Gregory prize - BSPP

Anna Gonzalez Gil, a final year Warwick student, was awarded the British Society for Plant Pathology (BSPP) PH Gregory prize at their 2018 presidential conference.

The prize of £250 was awarded to Anna for the best presentation made by a young scientist who has not previously presented at a paper at a BSPP meeting. Anna's talk was entitled "Chromatin remodelling and its conserved role in plant biotic and abiotic stress responses".

Picture: Dawn Arnold, Anna and Murray Grant.

Tue 12 Mar 2019, 14:21 | Tags: award

MIBTP Leicester win the 2018 BBSRC Biotechnology Yes Competition

Two University of Leicester MIBTP students, Kalina Boytcheva and Charlotte Davison were part of a team, Phytocolours, who won the 2018 BBSRC Biotechnology YES competition.

The team's winning idea was reducing pollution from the fashion industry by providing structurally coloured cellulose fibres from microalgae. Their product, Rayonbow™ is used in the manufacture of eco-sustainable textiles to produce fabric that never fades but doesn’t cost the earth.

The final was hosted by the Royal Society in London and the team had ten minutes to present their idea, followed by another 10 minutes to answer questions from the 12 industry judges.

Fri 25 Jan 2019, 14:18 | Tags: award

Charlie Durant poster competition winner

2017 Leicester student Charlie Durant  won another first prize in a poster competition, this time at the International Union for the Study of Social Insects (IUSSI) annual winter meeting held on 20th of December 2018 at the Natural History Museum, London. Congraulations Charlie.

Fri 25 Jan 2019, 13:57 | Tags: award

Shaun Scaramuzza - Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science Fellowship

Shaun Scaramuzza , a Birmingham MIBTP CASE student, won a Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Fellowship to take part in their Summer Program between June and August 2018. Shaun undertook his placement in the Molecular Cell Engineering Lab, led by Prof. Masato Kanemaki, at the National Institute of Genetics in Japan. The aim of his project was to learn / utilise the Auxin-Inducible Degradation system developed by Prof. Kanemaki’s group to degrade key ubiquitin ligases involved in the replisome disassembly process, and determine the consequences of this depletion.

Mon 05 Nov 2018, 11:37 | Tags: award

Charlie Durant poster award

Charlie Durant's (Leicester MIBTP 2017 student) poster A first glimpse of the ant gut “phageome” won first prize in the 2018 Insect Genomics meeting hosted by the Royal Entomological Society at the University of Leicester. The prize for this award was £100.

Fri 19 Oct 2018, 14:36 | Tags: award

Olivia Nippe best talk

Olivia Nippe (Warwick 2015) won best talk at the MIBTP Student Symposium 2018 held at the University of Leicester on 27th April. The title of the presentation was ’How do microbial effectors interfere with the plantcircadian rhythm? Olivia is supervised by Dr Vardis Ntoukakis, and Dr Gerben van Ooijen of the University of Edinburgh.

Thu 31 May 2018, 10:43 | Tags: award

Maria Theresa Tilotta presentation

Maria Theresa, Birmingham 2015 student, received a commendation at the 2018 Institute Cancer & Genomic Sciences PGR Festival on her presentation “Investigating the role of the APC/C subunit Apc5 in mitosis.”

Tue 29 May 2018, 14:37 | Tags: award

Mingkee Achom travel grant

Final year Warwick student Mingkee was awarded a travel grant to attend the 41st New Phytologist Symposium ‘Plant sciences for the future’ which was held at Présidence de l’Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France, 11–13 April 2018. At the symposium, Mingkee presented a poster abstract entitled Are nodule specific genes NCRs under the regulatory control of ancient protein family?

Tue 29 May 2018, 14:35 | Tags: award

Luca Illing poster prize

Luca Illing, Warwick third year MIBTP student, won one of the top four poster prizes at the 2018 Warwick School of Life Sciences PGR Seminar. This awarded him a prize of £25.

Tue 29 May 2018, 13:46 | Tags: award

Eline Hendrix - presentation prize

Eline Hendrix, who is registered at Birmingham and in the second year of the MIBTP programme, has recently been awarded a prize for the best first presentation given at the Birmingham Institute of Cancer Genomic Sciences annual PGR festival. She was one of 90 students presenting at the event so a fantastic achievement.

Tue 15 May 2018, 14:17 | Tags: award

Sophie Martucci Warwick Awards for Teaching Excellence (WATE)

Sophie Martucci (2015 Warwick student) has been nominated for a Warwick Awards for Teaching Excellence (WATE) award for her teaching within the School of Life Sciences. The awards recognise postgraduate students who have enhanced the student experience by motivating, inspiring and engaging with students and who have created a supportive learning environment that recognises diverse student needs. The winners will be announced w/c 25th June. Best of luck Sophie.

Tue 15 May 2018, 14:12 | Tags: award, Teaching

Jon Price - publication and award

Jon Price, Warwick 2014 has recently had a paper published as a result of the mini-project that he undertook during his training year. The project was under the supervision of Dr Eamonn Mallon at the University of Leicester and the paper was published in Molecular Ecology.

Jon was also awarded a prize of £50 at the 2018 Warwick Postrgraduate Research Student Symposium; he was voted as giving one of the top five seminars.

Tue 15 May 2018, 14:03 | Tags: award, publication

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