Science City semiconductor cleanroom opens
The University of Warwick formally opened its new “Science City Cleanroom for Energy Efficient Semiconductors” Friday 2nd of July. To mark the opening of the new lab, the University of Warwick’s Professor Phil Mawby - head of the new facility - presented the first semiconductor wafer to be processed by the new facility to Professor Chris Snowden, President of the Institution of Engineering and Technology.
The following presentations given at the event can be downloaded:
The Science City Research Alliance
Professor Pam Thomas, Director, Science City Research Alliance, Universities of Warwick and Birmingham.
Energy efficient semiconductors: Industry's needs and challenges.
David Hinchley, Senior Power Electronics Engineer, Converteam
Research capability of the Science City cleanroom and research directions for silicon carbide semiconductors.
Professor Phil Mawby, University of Warwick.
A list of new equipment available as part of the new cleanroom facility