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Interdisciplinary Clinical and Biomedical Health Meeting. 18th July 2024.

This is the second of a series of meetings aiming to foster collaboration between the ‘health sciences’ in Warwick (WMS, UHCW, Psychology, CIDD) and the physical sciences (Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science, Physics, WMG and Engineering).

This meeting focuses the interface of clinical and biomedical health and mathematical/statistical/computational sciences, aiming to build up an awareness of what is going on within Warwick and UHCW with a view to potential collaboration. The interest is in clinical problems and challenges, and associated data (including molecular and imaging data) where more sophisticated data analysis techniques or modelling might be usefully exploited. Please come and participate.

If you would like to talk, please contact Erin Greaves as there are a few spaces.

Please register before 15th July as this helps us anticipate numbers for refreshments and lunch, thank you. If you have questions please contact Suki Soggi (

Location: CSRL seminar room (UHCW).

Programme (provisional).

9.30 Tea/coffee biscuit and networking.

Session 1. 10.00-12.10

10.00 Wellcome.

10.10 Fayyaz Minhas (CS)

10.30 Jan Brosens (WMS/CSRL)

10.50 David Rand (Maths)

11.10 Tarv Dhanjal (CSRL)

11.30 Sascha Ott (WMS)

11.50 Dimitris Grammatopoulos (WMS/CSRL)

12.10 Lunch (CSB atrium)


Session 1.15. pm.

1.10 Richard Everitt

1.30 Siobhan Quenby (WMS/UHCW)

1.50 Break (last chance to get coffee from café)




3.00 End

Organisers: Erin Greaves (WMS), Nigel Burroughs (Mathematics).

Contact: Erin Greaves, Nigel Burroughs,
