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Guidance Statements

Rosiglitazone and Mixtard 30

At a recent Steering Board meeting, there was a consensus amongst the clinicians present, including GP representatives, that GPs and other primary care practitioners would appreciate some guidance regarding alternatives to the recently withdrawn Rosiglitazone and Mixtard 30.

Thus, Drs Paul O'Hare and Harpal Randeva Specialist Diabetologists have, in collaboration with a number of clinical members of the Team and Steering Board, prepared a guidance statement (available in full) that you may find useful in these circumstances.

This statement incorporates a consensus of views only and each individual clinician must decide and be responsible for the most appropriate choice of therapy for each parent, given their individual circumstances. However, our local specialist teams are happy to discuss individual cases with you.

If you require further advice and information, please contact:

Dr Paul O'Hare and Dr Harpal Randeva
Consultant Diabetologists

March 2012