Pre-registration information
The cost for the conference will be £240 (RSC Members) or £275 (Non-members) and includes:
- All meals (starting with lunch on Tuesday April 11, 2017 through to breakfast on April 13, 2017)
- 2 nights ensuite accommodation
- Conference dinner on Wednesday evening
- Regular coffee / tea breaks throughout the meeting
Funding has been secured to bring the cost of postgraduate student registration (i.e. PhD / MSc students) to £80 regardless of RSC membership.
There is also an option for "local registration" for anyone who does not require accommodation. The rates in this case are either £140, which includes evening meals and Conference Dinner, or £90 (excluding evening meals/ Conference Dinner).
The deadline for registration for those wishing to give an oral presentation has been extended to 4:00 pm on Friday March 17th, 2017. For all other registrants, the deadline for registration is 4:00 pm March 28th, 2017.
No refunds can be made for cancellations.
Note*: If you would like to submit an abstract for acceptance prior to payment, please fill in registration form and attach the abstract following the link below. We will endeavour to make a decision on your abstract within a short timescale. Please note, however, registration will only be finalized after payment is received. All payments for the conference will be made by credit card and will be collected by the RSC. To make payment, please click here. To obtain the reduced RSC members rate, you will need to have your RSC membership number to hand.
Now go on to Registration form to complete your registration.
Please use this template to prepare your abstract.
Posters can be A0 or A1, and a landscape format would be preferred but not required.