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James passes his Viva!

A big congratulations to James Iacobini for passing his viva from everyone in the Electrochemistry and Interfaces group! James immediately moved on to a postdoc position with the group in collaboration with Element 6, and we wish him all the best in his future endeavours!



Tue 11 Feb 2014, 15:37

Group MSc Graduates

Congratulations to Zoë Ayres, Faduma Maddar and Koulia Dalmira who recently recieved their MSc in Analytical Science: Methods and Instrumental Technique.

As part of their MSc year Zoë, Faduma and Koulia carried out individual research projects in the group. Zoë and Faduma both enjoyed their time in the group so much that since completing their course last summer they have carried on with their research, working with the group in pursuit of a PhD. We wish the girls all the best in their future endeavours and are delighted to welcome Zoë and Faduma as valued members of the Warwick Electrochemisty Team!


Fri 31 Jan 2014, 11:06 | Tags: People

Barak Wins RSC Prize


An interdisciplinary conference reflecting the wide range of applications of Molten Salts (also known as Ionic liquids) to research and industry was held on the 10th of January at the University of Warwick. The conference was hosted by the Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG) and attracted molten salts research students from around the UK.


Many congratulations to Barak Aaronson who was awarded the Best presentation prize for his talk: ‘Spatially Resolved Electrochemistry in Ionic Liquids: Surface Structure Effects on Triiodide Reduction at Platinum Electrodes’. SECCM goes far and wide - here with the first signs of impact on the Ionic Liquid community.


Wed 15 Jan 2014, 12:11 | Tags: Prize People Conference

Annual Christmas Social

The annual group Christmas outing 2013 was held on the 13th of December. The group got together to celebrate the festive season in what was one of the greatest and most productive years the electrochemistry group have ever had. During the day, the group played ice hockey.

Ice Skating

The night commenced at Alex’s house for the traditional Secret-Santa gift swapping extravaganza followed by a very special private dinner at Blue Bistro in Coventry. The group had a brilliant evening with great food, drink, and a live brass band. We hope everyone had a great Christmas and Happy New Year!

Ice Skating GroupSecret SantaXmas Meal

Many thanks to this year’s organising committee (Alex Parker & Tania Read) for doing such a great job!

Wed 15 Jan 2014, 12:05 | Tags: Events

£585 Raised for Movember

Warwick Electrochemistry group does Movember raising a fantastic £585.00 for Charity!

This November, several members of the group shaved off their facial hair and grew moustaches for charity. A fantastic £585 was raised by our team, which has gone towards funding clinical research into prostate and testicular cancer through the Movember charity.
The half-way and final photos are shown below with the horseshoe style proving particularly popular this year. Thanks to Dr Kim McKelvey, Dr Aleix Güell, Roy Meyler, Barak Aaronson, Jon Newland, Rob Channon, Dr Josh Byers, Dr Max Joseph and Dr Glen O’Neil.
Halfway there!
Final Day of Movember!
Mon 16 Dec 2013, 15:46 | Tags: People Charity

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