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Congratulations Liz!

Many congratulations go to Liz Oseland for passing her viva and completing her PhD on the 16th November 2016. We all wish her good luck for the future, and we enjoy having her around for a bit longer in the group as she works on the arsenic detection project, before going on her travels around Australia and New Zealand! Have fun!

liz viva

Mon 28 Nov 2016, 13:47 | Tags: People

Congratulations Lingcong!

Many congratulations go to Lingcong Meng for passing his viva and completing his PhD on the 4th November 2016. We all wish him good luck for the future, and we enjoy having him around for a bit longer in the group as he works on the arsenic detection project.

lingcong viva

Mon 07 Nov 2016, 11:04

Congratulations Guohui!

Many congratulations go to Guohui Zhang for passing his viva and completing his PhD on the 3rd November 2016. We all wish him good luck for the future, and hope he has some well deserved rest after writing all those papers!

guohui viva

Mon 07 Nov 2016, 11:01 | Tags: People

Congratulations Parky!

Many congratulations go to Alexander Parker for passing his viva and completing his PhD on the 7th October 2016. We all wish him good luck for the future, and hope he is having a great time out in Africa working with lots of children as part of Brass For Africa.

parky viva

Wed 02 Nov 2016, 09:15 | Tags: People

Crystal Crew Go Down Under!

WEIG's own Crystal Crew have been featured around the other side of the globe in the Royal Australian Chemical Institute's magazine Chemistry in Australia!

The article showcases Emma, Faduma, Harriet, and Maria, and their passion for chemistry and crystals! Originally to promote International Women's Day, the article discusses how they are contributing to chemistry in today's world. Also featured is work by Mary Courtney, and how she is creatively inspiring science in the public.

Read the article by clicking here!

Tue 13 Sep 2016, 13:44 | Tags: People

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