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Annual Group Christmas Social 2012

The annual group Christmas outing 2012 was held on the 14th of December. Everyone in the group (all 35 of us!) got together to celebrate the festive season in what was one of the greatest and most productive years the electrochemistry group have ever had. The night commenced at Barak’s house for the traditional Secret-Santa gift swapping extravaganza followed by a very special private dinner at Woodside in Kenilworth. After the wonderful food and very many drinks later (open bar courtesy of Pat and Julie) the night continued in nearby Leamington Spa until the early morning hours.

Many thanks to this year’s organising committee (Rob Channon & Sophie Kinnear) for doing such a great job!


Fri 01 Mar 2013, 11:57 | Tags: People Events

Well done LUCY!

Yet enother succesful viva! Lucy Tomlinson passed her viva for her work on the electrochemistry of single crystal boron doped diamond. Lucy is now training as a teacher in a nearby school.


Fri 14 Dec 2012, 16:16 | Tags: People Events

Well done Neil!!!

Neil Ebejer is now a Dr! He submitted his PhD thesis 'Development and application of pipette based electrochemical imaging techniques' and passed his viva with minor corrections. Well done to you and all the best for the future...Neil now works for INTEL in Ireland.

Neil viva

Fri 30 Nov 2012, 15:43 | Tags: People Events

Group hosts annual LIYSF event

Once again, the Warwick Electrochemistry and Interfaces Group hosted 25 international students for a day through their participation in the annual 'London Internation Youth Science Forum'. The students took part in small group activities, where they learnt the basics in a huge range of techniques. From the latest high resolution microscopy, to the detection of trace level contaminants using electrochemistry, they were able to see how current research will benefit the world in years to come. A great day was had by all!

LIYSF 2012

Why not check out the LIYSF video?

Fri 07 Sep 2012, 09:16 | Tags: Events

Double success at MEG 2012!

Once again the group performed strongly at the Midland Electrochemistry Group (MEG) meeting held at University of Birmingham in June. James won an award for the best talk ‘Electrochemical and Spectroscopic properties of boron doped diamond’. Barak and Hui also walked away with 1st prize in the poster competition for their work on ‘Visualising single grain activity on polycrystalline Pt’.

Fri 13 Jul 2012, 17:52 | Tags: Prize People Events Conference

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