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WEIG are certainly in a celebrating mood! Firstly, this has been in part because of the recent flux of group members passing their vivas: Sophie, Hui, Binoy, Rob C and Rehab have all recently graduated, and we thank them for their hard work and contributions to the group!

WEIG is, of course, at the forefront of everything, including the Chemistry Department's 50th Anniversary. The 26th November saw Warwick's Chemistry department turn 50, and so an event was held to mark the occasion where Chemistry academics and students showcased their skills. Highlights included Tim Bugg playing Gershwin, a Strictly Tango dance, Nick Barker's hilarious school stories, flashback to the 90's with Dave Haddleton's TV win, and some excellent undergraduate and postgraduate bands, all hosted by the great Stefan Bon. But the headline act was none other than our very own Pat Unwin, along with Peter Scott and David Fox as The Fox & The Hounds.



It was a great night enjoyed by everyone. As it's now December, that means Movember has come to a close. We have raised £360 on behalf of Prostate Cancer UK and the Institute of Cancer Research. Thanks to all those who donated and participated!


We have no doubt that the good spirits will continue throughout the Christmas period and beyond, inspiring positivity and some good work to everyone!

Tue 01 Dec 2015, 10:25 | Tags: Events Charity

Congrats Hui and Sophie!

Many congratulations go to both Changhui Chen and Sophie Kinnear for passing their vivas and completing their PhDs on 20th and 23rd November 2015 respectively. We all wish them good luck for the future. Hui has taken a postdoctoral position at the University of Birmingham, whilst Sophie is now working for Jaguar Land Rover as an emissions analyst.


Tue 24 Nov 2015, 13:37 | Tags: People

Meet the Mo Bro's!

November is here, and along with it comes the opportunity to support the Movember Foundation. Movember aim to understand, promote and advocate men's health, which involves funding research into prostate and testicular cancer, and tackling poor mental health and physical inactivity.

WEIG members always look for ways to help charity, which is why this month some of us Mo Heroes are growing and grooming moustaches for the 30 days of November in order to raise funds and awareness for men's health.


Those participating in Movember are:








headed up by none other than


Be aware that you don't have to be a man to care about men's health! Women are also encouraged to donate and support. In addition, we are arranging a cake sale on 25th November, as well as some salsa dancing classes (more on that later!)


Please donate and support TEAM ELECTROCHEMISTRY here:

Mon 09 Nov 2015, 11:49 | Tags: Charity

Congratulations Binoy!

Many congratulations go to Binoy Paulose Nadappuram for passing his viva and completing his PhD on 5th November 2015. We all wish him good luck in his new postdoctoral position at Imperial College London.


Fri 06 Nov 2015, 11:33 | Tags: People

Recognising success!

Congratulations go to Jenny Webb, who has been awarded an EPSRC Doctoral Prize Fellowship in Physical Chemistry! The Doctoral Prize is a prestigious award aimed at developing the very best students beyond their PhD, helping them launch a successful career as future research leaders.

Jenny will be undertaking significant new research in the area of molecular dynamics modelling, in particular the modelling of nanopore systems. She is under the supervision of Dr. Robert Johnson, through till January 2017.

We also extend (belated!) congratulations to our masters student Lucy Holt, who back in July won the Bruker Prize for Outstanding Performance in Year 3.

Thu 05 Nov 2015, 12:18 | Tags: People

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