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SICM Surface Charge Mapping Success

The recent paper "Surface Charge Mapping with a Nanopipette" published in JACS by the group has been featured in the latest C & EN (Chemical and Engineering) News, "Expanding The Capabilities of Scanning Ion Conductance Microscopy". The paper explores the power of a nanopipette when combined with SICM, showing that simultaneously both surface charge mapping and topographical data can be conducted. This has vast implications in a variety of different research areas including cell biology and material characterisation where understanding the surface charge is of key importance.


Fri 19 Sep 2014, 19:38 | Tags: Events Publication

Mizaikoff and Kranz Visit

We are delighted to say that Professor Boris Mizaikoff and Dr Christine Kranz from the Institute of Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, University of Ulm visited the University of Warwick to give a talk on " New Ways of Combining Electrochemistry and Spectroscopy Toward Multifunctional Analytical Platforms".


The talk was inspiring and insightful, discussing the relative merits and challenges of combining different analytical techniques such as Infrared spectroscopy (IR), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)and Electrochemistry. The importance of minaturisation and instrument design in order to reach low detection limits was also discussed, including the groups success in creating a handheld IR device, using room-temperature operated tunable quantum cascade lasers (QCLs).


Fri 19 Sep 2014, 15:23 | Tags: People Events

ISE 2014

Several group members attended the 65th Annual International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE) meeting in Lausanne at the start of the month. The aim of the International Society of Electrochemistry is to serve the worldwide electrochemical community and that of related disciplines through the advancement of electrochemical science and technology, the dissemination of scientific and technological knowledge, and the promotion of international cooperation.


Members of the group presented talks and posters, with Pat giving a plenary talk. Congratulations to Guohui Zhang who received a best poster prize at the event.


Fri 19 Sep 2014, 14:01 | Tags: Prize Conference Public Engagement

Back-to-back JACS

Two papers in the latest issue of the Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS) from the Warwick Electrochemistry and Interfaces Group. No ordinary accomplishment. On page 11248 the impact of defect sites on individual single walled carbon nanotubes in electrocatalysis are revealed using scanning electrochemical cell microscopy (SECCM), while on page 11444 SECCM shows its true flexibility by entering the world of fast scan voltammetry, where fast adsorption processes at graphite surfaces are monitored, in real-time, and at the micron scale.


Fri 05 Sep 2014, 15:28

Colour Run 2014

On Saturday the 16th of August members of WEIG were involved in the colour run in Birmingham, for the charity Save the Children. The run is called the "happiest 5k on the planet", sponsored by Dulux, and involved lots and lots of powder paint. Everyone had a great time, and finished up with an amazing Brazilian BBQ in central Birmingham. Congratulations to everyone involved!!



Fri 05 Sep 2014, 14:24 | Tags: Charity

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