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Anatolii Cuharuc wins group imaging competition

Congratulations to Anatolii Cuharuc, who won the groups bimonthly image competition for June/July with his submission 'Microcosm'. The runner-up prize was awarded to Eleni Bitziou, for her submission '2012 - A Diamond Year'. All submissions can be viewed here.

Fri 31 Aug 2012, 15:38 | Tags: Prize People

Diamond paper feature on inside cover at Angewandte Chemie

Another paper by the group featured as an inside back cover of the high-impact journal Angewandte Chemie. In this Communication, high-resolution electrochemical imaging, micro-Raman, and electron-microscopy data revealed heterogeneous electron-transfer (HET) kinetics correlate directly with the local density of electronic states in boron-doped diamond.

Tue 17 Jul 2012, 13:14 | Tags: People Journal Covers Publication

Double success at MEG 2012!

Once again the group performed strongly at the Midland Electrochemistry Group (MEG) meeting held at University of Birmingham in June. James won an award for the best talk ‘Electrochemical and Spectroscopic properties of boron doped diamond’. Barak and Hui also walked away with 1st prize in the poster competition for their work on ‘Visualising single grain activity on polycrystalline Pt’.

Fri 13 Jul 2012, 17:52 | Tags: Prize People Events Conference

Rehab Al Botros wins poster prize

Congratulations to Rehab who won the best poster prize at the 4th European Conference of Crystal Growth (ECCG4) held in Glasgow, Scotland

Tue 26 Jun 2012, 18:40 | Tags: Prize People Events Conference

Annual Two Castle Run

Participation at the two caste run is an annual event in the group. The ten kilometre run between Warwick and Kenilworth castles left Pat, Aleix, and Lucy slightly out of breath but they all reached the finish at very respectable times…well done to you all!

Mon 18 Jun 2012, 14:24 | Tags: People Events

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