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GAP / (m)ACE Developers and Users Meeting 2023

GAP / (m)ACE Developers and Users Meeting 2023

Developers & Users Meeting 2023

12 - 15 September 2023
University of Warwick, UK


The GAP / (M)ACE Developers & Users Meeting 2023 will be the second GAP D&U Meeting to be organised, after the D&U Meeting 2022. This year we will focus also on the emerging (M)ACE framework [(message-passing) atomic cluster expansion], in addition to the already popular GAP.

The GAP / (M)ACE D&U Meeting is meant for both GAP and (M)ACE experts and new or inexperienced users that would like to learn how GAP and (M)ACE can help them solve their materials modelling question.

The main conference webpage with further particulars and the programme may be found hereLink opens in a new window.


  • Albert Bartók (Warwick University)
  • Livia Pártay (Warwick University)
  • James Kermode (Warwick University)
  • Gábor Csányi (University of Cambridge)
  • Miguel Caro (Aalto University)

Registration and payment

Please read our terms and conditions

Please register and pay for meeting attendance (excluding accommodation)


We have arranged for accommodation on campus for the participants. Please follow the links below to book your accommodation directly with Warwick Conferences.

We start in the morning on Tuesday, 12th September and close in the early afternoon on Friday, 15th of September, therefore we recommend arriving on Monday, 11th September.

Accomodation bookingLink opens in a new window

Gaussian approximation potential (GAP)Link opens in a new window

Machine learning atomistic simulation of materials and molecules