About GIVO Warwick

The GIVO model concept and design are expected to yield broader impacts across the value chain and supply chain, some of which may be measurable; for others, the effect will be extrapolated. GIVO will provide formalized employment for waste pickers who are currently underpaid and exploited by an informal waste management system and several other formal jobs for skilled personnel. Therefore, the IT system becomes a critical legacy product of the GIVO-WARWICK project with a broad range of value propositions, including supporting regulators and policymakers with their strategic response to the waste management and recycling challenge.
Operating Model
GIVO's business model is specifically designed to allow marginalized and vulnerable communities to benefit from plastic recycling, focusing on employing women in these communities. GIVO centres are to be planned with proximity to marginalized and vulnerable communities as a siting factor; GIVO Foundations will provide training and life-long-learning opportunities to address broader employability skills.
Progress to date (July 2022)
The project has developed the platform for follow-on phases. Critical activities have been to establish governance arrangements across the project team, external stakeholders, and interested parties committed to supporting the development to scale of GIVO. The team has identified critical risks to the project and developed mitigations as far as possible. The Funding Plan has assessed the critical needs for the project and identified opportunities and priorities for future funding across grant, commercial, and benefactor sources. The team has evaluated and categorized its stakeholders - the priorities for engagement have been identified from this activity, alongside a 'keep watch list' and regulatory development opportunities. The GIVO- Warwick project has also identified the priorities for focus in Phase 2 on community engagement and assets to support effective education and community support.
Anticipated outcomes
The project will begin to see the effects of GIVO-Warwick project developments on GHG reductions by the use of digital innovations. With the anticipation that full emission reduction potentials will be achieved through waste collection and travel route optimization by the end of the project. In-centre recycling and adoption of clean, renewable energies for GIVO centre operations. Optimization and enhancement of IT infrastructure, payment methods, delivery of recyclates, and SMART GIVO operation and maintenance.

School of Engineering
University of Warwick
United Kingdom