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All for teachers

Welcome to Virus Hunters and thank you for participating in the our project - we know you are busy and we really appreciate it!

If you want to participate in our experiment, please make sure you have access to a suitable permanent water source and that it is OK to share the map coordinates/post code with us.

Background information on this project is available under the "The Science" header above.

Lesson suggestions

If you have access to some magnifying glasses or small microscopes (or see below), Virus Hunters can be tied in with a more general pond dipping/mini-beasts lesson. You will need access to a suitable habitat (described in your invitation letter).

If you have no access to microscopes, we can provide a computer game (currently Windows only) we have developed specifically for primary school children to learn more about different forms pond life. This can be combined with videos and worksheets.

Contact us at if you have any further questions or requests.
