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Fresh Produce AI Chatbot

Our AI chatbot uses only legally-sourced information from sources with explicit permissions, ensuring respect for intellectual property. Our AI chatbot clearly discloses the sources of information, maintaining transparency in every answer. ‏‏‎

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Fresh Produce AI Chatbot

About the chatbot

Welcome to the Fresh Produce AI Chatbot. The purpose of the chatbot is to act as an easy access point for subject knowledge, drawing publicly available scientific reports from various but reliable sources. It will synthesise and display knowledge related to your questions, upon which further research or decisions can be made by you.

Example questions

Single questions

  1. What is the most effective way to monitor Cabbage moth in my Brassica crop?
  2. What non-chemical control methods can I use for controlling pollen beetles in my brassica crop?
  3. What are my control options for managing beet cyst nematode on brassicas?
  4. How would I best encourage natural enemies to my field of brassica crops?
  5. What are the typical diseases that create dark spots on my brassica crops leaves?
  6. What can I intercrop with brassicas to reduce pest pressure?  

Combined questions

  1. What is the typical life cycle of a cabbage moth and what is the best way to treat it with non-chemical control?
  2. What are the typical symptoms of black rot in brassica crops and what are the various control options for managing it?  
  3. What would an IPM strategy look for my brassica crop in the UK?
  4. What is the most effective insecticide for brassica whitefly and how do I improve the coverage on the underside of my brussels sprout leaves?