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Download Transfer File Tool

Click on the download button below to save the transfer files tool installer to your computer, then follow these instructions:

1. Locate the transferfiletool.exe file on your computer

If you saved the file onto your desktop it will look something like this:

transferfiletool on desktop

2. Double-click on the self-extractor

The self-extractor wizard will start and you will be presented with the following screen:


3. Confirm the location of the file extraction

Do NOT change the default location for where the files are extracted to, and click on the OK button. The files will then be extracted to a folder called "C:\Models32" and the self-extractor tool will report the following:

self-extractor success

4. Find the models32 folder on your C: drive

Open up a Windows Explorer window and search for the models32 folder:

find the models32 folder

5. Check the contents of the models32 folder

Make sure that the contents of the models32 folder is the same as contained in the picture below:

check the contents of models32

6. Follow the installation instructions for this tool from the MORPH4 help.

Click here to find the online help for this tool, and follow the rest of the instructions to add the tool to MORPH and use it properly.


Download Transfer Files Tool