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Well_N Model - Example


Start MORPH using the Brassica Models icon. Select WELL_Nfrom the Modelsmenu. Select the WELL_N Example field from the WELL_N Example Farm. Then select Runfrom the WELL_Nmenu, or click on the GO button. The Soil Status Dialog should appear. If the model has been run before it will proceed directly to the report. In the Soil Status Dialog enter the following values.

Soil Type for Layer 0-30cm:

Sandy Loam

Soil Type for Layer 30-60cm:

Sandy Loam

Soil Type for Layer 60-90cm:

Sandy Loam

Is there a Barrier to Root Penetration:


Depth of Barrier to Root Penetration:


Mineralisation Rate From Soil Organic Matter:


Temperature when Measured:


Click OKand the Soil Status Dialog will close. Then the Previous Crop Debris Dialog should appear, enter the following values. (Simply enter <None> for Previous Crop all the other values should then go grey).

Previous Crop:


Date when Previous Crop Debris Incorporated:


Method of Incorporation:


Depth of Incorporation:


Percentage Marketable Crop removed from Field:


Percentage Plant Debris removed from Field:


Fresh Marketable Yield:


Click OKand the Previous Crop Debris Dialog will close. Then the Cash Crop Dialog should appear, enter the following values.

Crop to be Grown:


Date of Drilling or Transplanting:




Date of Harvest:


Expected Fresh Marketable Yield:


Click OKand the Cash Crop Dialog will close. Then the Estimating N Applied Dialog should appear, enter the following values.

Method of Estimation:

Estimate Single Dressing

Date of Base / Single Dressing:


Date of Top Dressing:


Click OKand the Cash Crop Dialog will close. Then the Weather Dialog should appear, enter the following values. (Simply select the region the other values should appear automatically).

Nearest Region:

Central England

Average Annual Rainfall:


October 1992 Monthly Rainfall:


November 1992 Monthly Rainfall:


December 1992 Monthly Rainfall:


January 1993 Monthly Rainfall:


February 1993 Monthly Rainfall:


March 1993 Monthly Rainfall:


Click OKand the Cash Crop Dialog will close. Then a message box will inform you that WELL_N will not run without a soil sample event. Do you want to enter one now? Select Yesand the Soil N Sample Dialog will appear. Enter the following values.

Date of New Event:


Number of Layers Sampled:


Layer Size Sampled:


Click Addand the Soil Sample Layers Dialog will appear, enter the following value.

Mineral Soil N Measured Layer 0-30cm:


Mineral Soil N Measured Layer 30-60cm:


Mineral Soil N Measured Layer 60-90cm:


Click OKand the Soil Sample Dialog will receive the focus. You should be able to see the Soil Sample event displayed in the top half of the dialog. 20/05/1993 3 Samples, 30cm Deep (30.00, 30.00, 30.00) Click Closeand the Soil Sample Dialog will close. Then a message box will inform you that WELL_N will not run without a soil moisture event. Do you want to enter one now? Select Yesand the Soil Moisture Deficit Dialog will appear. Enter the following values.

Date of New Event:


Number of Layers Sampled:


Click Addand you should be able to see the Soil Sample event displayed in the top half of the dialog. 01/11/1992 0.00cm Soil Moisture Deficit Click Closeand the Soil Moisture Deficit Dialog will close and WELL_N™ should run, to produce the following report.

Report Generated

Click on the second page tab to view the settings:-

Report Generated

Click on the third page tab to view a graph of the Fresh Weight of Marketable Crop