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When a model is run for a crop it is essential that it gets attached to the correct source of meteorological data. This should obviously be appropriate for the site but must also contain the right weather data ( Weather Requirements) for any models to be used.


To keep track of the crops and data sources, the user must provide the farm and field name of each crop. One farm may contain several fields.

Each field must be attached to a database of meteorological data. This is known as an archive and will hold data for a whole season. Several fields within the same farm may use the same archive.

Each archive gets its data from some source. This is often a weather station but may also be a plain file (known as an ASCII file) which the user has available. MORPH supports many popular weather stations. Most weather stations store data in a propriety format, to handle each of these formats MORPH contains a set of drivers known as data sources.

When data has been collected, a model is chosen. This will produce results based on the weather data. These results will be stored in a report. MORPH generates a database of reports, classified by farm and field, which are viewed using the report viewer.

To assist the user, MORPH is packaged with many examples. Here the farm and field names have been used to represent the type of model and a file containing historic data.