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When the model has been run ( running model) a new program, the MORPH viewer automatically opens. This is in a separate window with its own toolbar. Using this viewer the results of running the model can be displayed as graphs or tables. Click on the tabs at the bottom of the display to view these different outputs on separate pages. Reports can be saved and printed in the usual way ( Reports) from the File menu.

image placeholder

To zoom in on particular areas of the graphs, select Zoom from the View Menu in the Viewer window or click on the magnifying glass image placeholder. Click the mouse button and keep it pressed to drag a box over the area of interest. Once you release the button the area selected will expand to fill the whole graph. To return to the original view use Reset Zoom from the View Menu or image placeholder

If a page contains a number of graphs a single graph can be maximised to a full page by selecting Single from the View menu. Click on Multiple or double click on the graphs to restore them. Alternatively use image placeholder

The font size on the graphs and tables can be modified by selecting Graphic Font Size or Table Font Size from the View menu. These two settings change the screen appearance of the reports but not the printout of them.