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Transfer File Tool Locate Morph Reports

Locate MORPH Reports

To be able to configure the Transfer tool you must obtain the correct information about where MORPH is generating its reports by default.

If you did not change the default installation directory for MORPH, when installing the software, the MORPH reports directory should be located in “C:\Program Files\MORPH\Reports” (See screenshot below).

image placeholder

As you can see from the above screenshot there are two different types of report located in the MORPH reports directory. There are the standard MORPH reports (with the .MPR) file extension and then there are the HMTL reports, which are in their own folders named with the unique report id.

To change the format of the reports that MORPH generates you must select “Reports” from the MORPH menu, and then “Report Media” a dialog box will appear and you should make your selection between the various options. At the time of writing there are two different types of MORPH reports, the standard (.MPR) reports and HTML reports. Highlight the desired report format in the dialog box then click OK. All the reports that are generated from the MORPH system from that point on will be in that chosen format.