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Using the Facility

How to get access to our instruments depends on whether you are a user from the University of Warwick, or an External User.

The instruments in the Advanced Bioimaging RTP are available for users from the University of Warwick and elsewhere. All users must be trained to use the equipment. As a trained and approved user, you can book the microscopes using the online booking system. Initially you will have only be able to book the microscopes for use during working hours (9am - 5pm), but once you have experience you can also use them in the evenings and at weekends.

External users are welcome. If you are an external user, you must also be trained and approved to use the different machines. Use is restricted to working hours, evidence of your insurance must be provided, and a contract must be in place that formalises the terms and conditions of use. Contact for more information.

If you have a research project that would benefit from one of the techniques listed in these pages, but have no experience we can perform some work for you. It may be quicker, easier and better to perform a short trial or experiment, or have some measurements taken by an expert user, rather than waiting to be trained. Please contact to discuss this.

We also perform work on a commercial basis. You can obtain access through Warwick Scientific Services, or contact