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WCTU Staff Essential Training Page

Essential Training

Below is a table with links to essential training items to help you find training you need to complete or renew.

Some additional training items have been included that are not essential to everyone.

You can use the list on the right-hand side to access your Personal Development Log & Record, and to find guidance for using them.

If you have any questions on essential training or the Personal Development Log then contact the QA team at

Area of Training Type How to find it
Good Clinical Practice CTU internal delivery or online NIHR opens in a new window - We also run face to face refresher courses throughout the year. Contact the QA team for details.
Information Security Smart (Induction only training) University internal online training course opens in a new window - Training is completed as part of induction.
Data Protection (UK GDPR) and Information Security Refresher Training University internal online training course opens in a new window - Annual refresher.


Click here to check the status of your University of Warwick Data Protection trainingLink opens in a new window

Staff General Health & Safety Assessment University internal online training course opens in a new window
Fire Safety Training (formerly Fire Safety Awareness) University internal online training course opens in a new window
Display Screen Equipment Training University internal online training course opens in a new window
Sweep and Tag System Training University internal online training course opens in a new window - This training is only required for staff working on Gibbet Hill campus.
Warwick Principles and Social Inclusion University internal online training course opens in a new window
Unconscious Bias Training LinkedIn Learning online training course opens in a new window
(Epigeum) Research Integrity Epigeum Impact online training course opens in a new window – The concise course is recommended for all staff (use token: a4a6ac85), and a long course in a modular format is also available.
Data Security Awareness Level 1 eLearning for Healthcare online training course opens in a new window - This training is only required if working with NHS Digital Data. It is recommended additional training for everyone else and covers handling data and data security provided by NHS England (formerly NHS Digital).
Recruitment & Selection University internal online training course opens in a new window - This training is only required if undertaking shortlisting or candidate interviews.