Application Process Guidelines
Identify a Principal Investigator (PI) and contact them
Complete application using the Apply link

Form is received and reviewed
Response is sent to applicant with details of next steps (if supported)
List of CTU Principal Investigators PI's can be found at:
You must include:
Research question; Objectives; Study design & methods; Setting; Duration; Funder; Deadline; Supervisor; CTU support required (PI only, Statistical, Health Economics, Senior Project Manager, Trial Manager/Co-ordinator, Data Clerk, Quality Assurance, Programming)
Please note a minimum of 3 weeks notice is required for considering your proposal
Research question; Objectives; Study design & methods; Setting; Duration; Funder; Deadline; Supervisor; CTU support required (PI only, Statistical, Health Economics, Senior Project Manager, Trial Manager/Co-ordinator, Data Clerk, Quality Assurance, Programming)
Please note a minimum of 3 weeks notice is required for considering your proposal
Your application will then be considered by the CTU Strategy Group