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Key information

Mammographic surveillance in breast cancer patients aged 50 years or older
Chief Investigator
Professor Janet Dunn

University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust

University of Warwick


National Institute for Health and Care Research, Health Technology Assessment Programme (NIHR HTA)

Project reference 11/25/03Link opens in a new window

Registration number
ISRCTN48534559Link opens in a new window

Mammo-50 is a multi-centre, randomised, controlled, phase III trial of annual mammography versus 2-yearly for conservation surgery patients or 3-yearly for mastectomy patients.

Also, an observational cohort study was offered to those patients for whom the specialist or patient opts for standard mammography per local practice or immediate discharge to the screening programme or stopping mammography altogether.

An integrated feasibility study assessed the willingness for centres and patients to participate in the trial and explore reasons for non-randomisation of the cohort patients.

All patients are being asked to complete the Mammo-50 patient questionnaire booklet and are followed up in terms of recurrence and survival in accordance with the protocol.

Sample size

The trial reached its recruitment target on the 30th September 2018 with 5,235 participants randomised and 914 enrolled in the observational cohort study.

Primary outcomes

Disease-specific survival



Recruitment was completed on 30th September 2018. An interim analysis will be performed after a minimum of 3 years follow-up for all patients. The final analysis of 5-year disease specific survival will be performed after a minimum of 5 years follow-up for all patients.


The patient advocacy group Independent Cancer Patients' Voice has contributed to the study design, development of the patient information sheet and is represented on the Trial Management Group.

Study Logo



Please direct enquiries to your local clinical care team or research team.

Participating centres

Please direct enquiries to the Mammo-50 team.


Telephone: 02476 575 856