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Information for patients

If you have experienced pregnancy loss and would like help or advice please click here for resources.

Recurrent miscarriage (two or more miscarriages in a row) causes considerable distress for women and their partners. The vast-majority of couples receive supportive care only, as few treatments have been shown to prevent miscarriage. The hope is that this trial may help those who currently have no explanation for the reason they have experienced recurrent miscarriage.

Information about the trial

What is the purpose of the research trial?

The aim of the CERM trial is to find out if antibiotics can reduce miscarriage.

In some women the lining of the womb (the endometrium) is inflamed (a condition called endometritis). Researchers have found a link between this and miscarriage. A healthy endometrium is important for the embryo to be able to attach to the womb.

Treating endometritis with antibiotics may reduce the inflammation and the likelihood of a miscarriage. This research trial will test this theory by comparing a 14-day course of an antibiotic (doxycycline) against a placebo to find out if taking antibiotics reduces miscarriages.

What does the trial involve?
  • The taking of an endometrial biopsy (a small sample of tissue from your endometrium) to find out if you have endometritis.
  • If endometritis is present in the tissue examined, you will then be eligible to be randomised to either:
    • 14-day course of an antibiotic (doxycycline) or
    • 14-day course of a placebo (a ‘dummy treatment’ which will look exactly the same as the antibiotic but contains no active ingredients). This is necessary to find out if taking antibiotics reduces miscarriages.

Whether you will receive doxycycline or the placebo is decided by chance.

  • Agreeing to use condoms for 3 months (before biopsy, awaiting results and whilst taking the medication)

Is the trial recruiting?

The CERM trial is not open to new patients and has completed final recruitment.

Below is a diagram showing an overview of the CERM trial:
Flow chart of CERM participant pathway

Please note: 'CERM B' activities only relate to participants at University Hospital Coventry & Warwickshire (who have consented to CERM B)



Warwick Clinical Trials Unit
Warwick Medical School
University of Warwick
Gibbet Hill Road