Information for health professionals
Study documentation
Copies of the current study documents are available upon request from the COMPRESS-RCT Trial Manager.
Qualitative Study
The Qualitative Study is looking at the experiences of NHS staff who are involved in recruiting participants to the COMPRESS-RCT study. The aim of this aspect of the study is to identify facilitators and barriers to patient recruitment and also help researchers when designing studies in the future.
NHS staff members will be eligible to participate if they work at a participating hospital and have been a member of the clinical team attending a cardiac arrest since the study opened.
A copy of the information sheet for the qualitative study is available here: COMPRESS-RCT Qualitative Study Information Sheet
If you are an NHS staff member and are interested in taking part in the study, please contact a member of your hospital research team who will be able to provide you with further information. Alternatively, please contact the COMPRESS-RCT Trial Coordinator who will be able to forward your details to your hospital research team.
Please direct all general enquiries to:
Trial Manager: Catherine Lawrence
Tel: 02476 150986