Discharged/Withdrawn participants and on-going follow up qustionnaires
Some participants from various regions have reported that they have been
told by their therapists that because they are being discharged from
exercise or because they are withdrawing from treatment that they no longer
have to complete any questionnaires or falls diaries that we send out to
them as part of our follow up data collection.
This is incorrect unless a participant tells you that they wish to
withdraw from completing any more follow up questionnaires.
So just a reminder that participants receive an initial questionnaire at
baseline, then follow up questionnaires at 4, 8, 12 and 18th months post
randomisation (which will occur sometime before you see them), plus at some
point during the 18 months they will also be asked to complete 4 months’
worth of falls diaries.
If possible, when you are discharging participants after their 6 month
intervention with you, can you please encourage them to continue to complete
any further questionnaires or falls diaries that they receive from us here
at the University. Or if they wish to withdraw from treatment only, they
will still receive questionnaires from us unless they specifically tell us