Jocelyn Watkins
Research Associate, Florence Nightingale Faculty of Nursing, Midwifery and Palliative Care
King’s College London (Oct-Nov, 2021).
REaCH trials in Tanzania, Nigeria, Kenya and Uganda led by Prof J.Stert and Prof. F. Griffiths.
Research Fellow, Social Science and Systems in Health (from January 2018)
Honorary Fellow (April, 2020)
Warwick Medical School | The University of Warwick | Coventry | CV4 7AL
Healthcare delivery in low-resourced settingsLink opens in a new window
PublicationsLink opens in a new window
Active projects:
- The Batlhokomedi (‘carers’) community health worker project
This study was funded by Medical Research Council, UK under Health Systems Research Initiative awarded to Prof Jane Goudge (Witwatersrand) and Prof Frances Griffiths (Warwick).
Household registration
-Triad of trust: Clients/Community and CHW and Clinic (see Publications for paper, March 2021)
Mobile ConsultingLink opens in a new window in LMICs (UKRI foundation grant awarded to Prof Griffiths) under the Slum HealthLink opens in a new window project led by Professor Lilford (NHIR funded).
-see publication for position paper in Digital Health (Griffiths, 2020).
-Second paper with primary data results coming soon (Harris - July, 2020).
This work was supported by a foundation grant from the Health Systems Research Initiative with funding from the UK Department for International Development, the UK Economic and Social Research Council, the UK Medical Research Council and Wellcome (grant no. MR/S012729/1).
Past projects:
- The VITA study (Randomised Controlled Trial)
*Trial results will be out in the summer of 2020*
Participant study website:
Bacterial Vaginosis: treatment A: lactic acid gel (intervention) or B: metronidazole antibiotic (control).
See Pub list.
NHIR journal library:
This study was funded by The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), Health Technology Assessment Programme (U.K.) awarded to Professor Jonathan Ross.
UHCW Innovation Hub (Health service evaluation)
For remote video consultations for oncology, gestational diabetes, diabetes, rheumatology, therapies, infection disease, housing with care pilot projects in Coventry/ Nuneaton.
This study is funded by the National Institute for Health Research Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care West Midlands (NIHR CLAHRC WM), now recommissioned as NIHR Applied Research Collaboration West Midlands (active) awarded to Professor Richard Lilford and Prof Frances Griffiths (Warwick).
- The Lync study : Going Digital @lyncstudy
See publication list (Sturt, 2020)
Mobile Health use by healthworkers - Cochrane Databases of Systematic Reviews (protocol DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD011942)
This review was led by funded by Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research (WHO reference: 2014/446658-0) under the Health Systems Research Unit South African Medical Research Council, Cape Town, South Africa
Findings for this review were published in Digital Health Interventions Guidelines 2019.
Early Career Fellowship - Antimicrobial Research at Warwick
To find out more please go to: Warwick AMR - Warwick Antimicrobial Interdisciplinary Centre
Talk - click here! (Feb, 2018)
Paper: "Rural South African Community Perceptions of Antibiotic Access and Use: Qualitative Evidence from a Health and Demographic Surveillance System Site" appearing in American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene soon
Oxford Global Health and Bioethics conference, July, 2019
PhD Research: health policy and health systems strengthening in rural South Africa
Here you will find information about my PhD research at the Health Science UnitLink opens in a new window at Warwick Medical SchoolLink opens in a new window, The University of WarwickLink opens in a new window, in collaboration with the Centre for Health PolicyLink opens in a new window at the University of the WitwatersrandLink opens in a new window (South Africa) (2012-2016).
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(Content is up-to-date as of 3rd Febraury 2017).
My research interests include Global Public Health, International Health Policy and e/mHealth. I am particularly interested in digital and networked medical technologies for use in developing countries.
I undertook my fieldwork at the Agincourt, MRC/Wits Rural Public Health and Health Transitions Research Unit in north east South Africa.
Please read the 50@50 blog
My Research
Project title: The Vutivi Health Technology Study
Health care system design and the integration of information and medical technologies for chronic conditions in primary health care settings in rural South Africa: a critical analysis.
Journey to clinics
Photo source: Agincourt website
Mini Blog
Posted October 2013
I am having XiTsonga lessons (language of the Shangaan tribe). I am trying to greet the patients in the mornings at the clinics in their local language which causes great laughter. I have now learnt how to say "Why are you laughing at me?" which causes further amusement. Now that the African rains have started, the roads are plagued with potholes the size of craters, the mango trees are laden with fruit, the mosquitoes are rife and the power cuts are daily!
Please see a video to understand how mobile phones can be used and integrated within a health system to support health professionals and essentially help pateints get the care they deserve:

Jocelyn Anstey Watkins
Contact me
Division of Health Sciences
Medical School Building
Gibbet Hill Campus
University of Warwick