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Academic Profile

Research Profile Overview:

2012 - 2016 PhD 'Health ScienceLink opens in a new window', The University of Warwick (Funded by ESRC and GE Healthcare ltd.)

2011 - 2012 Predoctoral Research Assistant (Systematic Review Department), Oxford Outcomes (ICON)

2010 - 2011 MSc. ‘Evidence Based Social InterventionLink opens in a new window’ (Distinction), The University of Oxford

2006 - 2009 BA. Hons. ‘Sports ScienceLink opens in a new window’ (First Class), The University of Durham

2005 - 2006 Diploma 'History of ArtLink opens in a new window', The University of York


Health Science Ph.D

Warwick Medical SchoolLink opens in a new window 

The University of Warwick Link opens in a new window (2012-2016)

Graduation: January 2017


Supervisors: Prof Frances GriffithsLink opens in a new window (Warwick), Dr Jane Goudge Link opens in a new window(Wits) and Dr F.Xavier Gómez-OlivéLink opens in a new window (Wits)

PhD Research Title: Understanding the potential role for appropriate digital and networked technological solutions in the innovation of health system design, implementation and normalisation in rural South Africa for both patients and practitioners: A critical analysis


Evidence Based Social Intervention MSc. (Thesis Distinction)

Social Policy and Intervention Department

The University of Oxford Link opens in a new window (2010-2011) ox.jpg

Supervisor: Dr Lucie Cluver

MSc Research Title: What do children orphaned by HIV/AIDS in the Western Cape, South Africa perceive to be the limiting and assisting factors to their secondary school attendance?


Sport Science BA. Hons. (First Class)

School of Social Science

The University of DurhamLink opens in a new window Link opens in a new window (2006-2009) durham.jpg

Supervisor: Prof. Jim McKayLink opens in a new window

BA Research Title: The Paralympic Spirit: spirit set in motion? The embodiment of athletes with a disability and their representation in the British print media during the 2008 Beijing Paralympic Games.