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Oxford Global Health and Bioethics, 1st July 2019Link opens in a new window

Keble College.

Talk on the 'Abacus' study results.


Divisional talk: 22nd February 2018, Warwick Medical School

‘Rural South African community perceptions of antibiotic access and use: a qualitative approach’

Jocelyn will speak about a qualitative sub-study at the Agincourt Health and Demographic Surveillance site in rural South Africa: one of six country sites (Africa and Asia) involved in the INDEPTH-ABACUS (AntiBiotic ACcess and Use) project. The team explored 60 community members’ experiences of antibiotics and understanding of antibiotic resistance. Results will be discussed using the five key abilities to access healthcare: seek, reach, pay, engage and perceive. The study’s findings will provide an empirical basis for informing future, patient-level context-specific social interventions for appropriate antibiotic use.
The seminar will cover:
Current antimicrobial resistance research in low- and middle-income countries Where are community member’s accessing antibiotics, if at all? Where does their antibiotic knowledge stem from? How does this compare to what the medicine suppliers are saying? How does these findings from South Africa differ one of the Asian sites?
BH and JW
Dr Bronwyn Harris introducing me.
Divisional talk - Feb 2018
To watch the talk and see the slides - link here:
Mama Matlala and me

MRC/Wits Acornhoek Tintswalo Hospital

11th November, 2016

Seminar and research dissemination discussion on PhD research at the Agincourt HDSS.

MEI-BioEng 2016Link opens in a new window

5-6th September 2016

Oral Presentation: Digital Health in rural South Africa (J.Watkins)

Track: Appropriate Technologies for Low-resource Settings

Location: Keble College, Oxford University

This was a great platform for a social scientist to talk to Bio-Medical Engineers, who are the developers and designers of digital technologies.

Mini clip here:Link opens in a new window


Keble College

IAS Flash Talk CompetitionLink opens in a new window

May 19-20th 2016

Picture My Research Flash Talk Competition Finalist


">Flash talk image-J.WatkinsLink opens in a new window

a.) Title: Patient + Health Worker + Mobile Phone = Enhanced Healthcare in South Africa?

b). Author: Jocelyn Anstey Watkins

c.) Department: Warwick Medical School

d.) Abstract: Mobile phones can be a powerful solution to deliver healthcare in rural South Africa, by improving patient outcomes and strengthening the unsteady public health system. Enhanced mobile communication between patients and health workers may have an advantageous effect as use becomes normalized into routine clinical practice. How? Doctors are self-innovating by creating technological solutions such as an eye test app to overcome healthcare access barriers. They are responding to these barriers where resources are limited. Innovation out of necessity is driven by current poor diagnostic and referral services. National health policy needs to support local mobile health solutions.

3MT entry video

I filmed the 2016 Postgraduate Research ShowcasLink opens in a new windowe entry video. Please click below and take a look! opens in a new window

IGGYLink opens in a new window

IGGY logo

The IGGY graphics team have produced a short animation of my Three Minute Thesis. Please click on the image below to watch the video and the IGGY link above to find out more about IGGY: Connecting and Challenging the world's brightest young minds.

IGGY banner Link opens in a new window

Jan, 2016

ICT4Health conferenceLink opens in a new window, Stellenbosch University, South Africa (November, 2015)

Aim: to set the government's future agenda for e/mHealth

Panel: 'eHealth'

Oral title: e/mHealth Solutions in Rural South Africa for both Patients and Health Workers

Slides: opens in a new window


Three Minute ThesisLink opens in a new window Live Final, The University of Warwick (June, 2015).

"How does Mama Matlala's mobile phone improve her health in rural South Africa"

Prizes: Judges and People's Choice winner.Link opens in a new window

NewsLink opens in a new window

3MT static slide

Connected_Life 2015Link opens in a new window, The University of Oxford (June, 2015).

Panel: 'eHealth'.

"Understanding the potential role for appropriate electronic and mobile health solutions in the innovation of system design, implementation and normalisation in rural South Africa for both patients and practitioners: A critical analysis."

BlogLink opens in a new window

Warwick Medical School Post-Graduate Student SymposiumLink opens in a new window (May, 2015).

"The Vutivi Project"

Best Oral Presentation in Health Science winner.Link opens in a new window

1st slide powerpoint WMS

Third Global Symposium on Health Systems Research ConferenceLink opens in a new window, Cape Town, South Africa (September, 2014).

Panel: 'Patient Orientation of Health Systems'.

"Critical Analysis of the potenital for improving healthcare for patients living with chronic illness, through e/mHealth solutions in the South African public health system".

HSR logo 2014