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(see divisional talk under orals).

RDS on advising about PPI workshop, Warwick and Keele


Grant Writing workshop, Nairobi, Kenya under CARTA (September, 2017).

CERQual training, Knowledge Hub, Oslo, Norway (October, 2017).

ABACUS team workshop, Johannesburg, South Africa (May, 2017).


Dr Will MapamLink opens in a new window talking about Vula MobileLink opens in a new window at the RSM

April 2016

Secure Medical Chat


BBC News dcumentary on Vula "My Life is so much better now" Link opens in a new window

50@50 The University of Warwick 50th Anniversary Blog (April, 2015)

"How could mobile phones improve health care?"

How could we utilise digital communication technologies to improve care for patients in areas with weak health systems? Warwick Medical School PhD student Jocelyn Anstey Watkins spent a year living in a rural region of South Africa as part of her PhD researching this topic. She tells us more about her experiences in this week’s 50@50.