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How do I upload documents?

Each set of clinical case pages includes pages for uploading documents.

  • Browse to the page of your site where you want to upload a file.
  • Hover over the 'Edit' link in the top right corner of the page, and select 'Upload a file' from the menu.

Upload Document 1

  • The Upload a File screen will be shown:

Upload Document 2

  • To select the file to upload:
  1. Click 'Choose Files' and a File Upload window will appear.
  2. Find the file(s) that you wish to upload, select and then click 'Open'.

The other fields on the page are optional, but we strongly suggest that you include a 'Short Title'. This is the file name that will be shown on the ePortfolio, and therefore should briefly describe the document.

Please note that, by default, documents are stored in alphabetical order, however they can be sorted into an order of your choosing later.

  • When you have finished editing the fields on the page click 'Upload'.

* Please note: you will not be able to delete files once they have been uploaded *