Advanced Cases 1 (AC1) is a 10-week block (Monday 11 September 2023- Friday 8th December 2023), split into two by a consolidation week after week 5 (w/c 16th October 2023).
During week one, you will meet your new CBL group and Clinical Personal Tutor (CPT) who is based at a hospital.
Each week, you will be exploring different themes, with the weekly CBL case being linked to the theme:
Week 1: Genetics & Paediatrics
Week 6: Cardiology (Hypertension & Arrhythmias)
Week 2: Diabetes & Adolescence
Week 7: Chronic Mental & Physical Health
Week 3: Infectious diseases & Viruses
Week 8: Cancer
Week 4: Homelessness & Respiratory Infections
Week9: Confusion & Frailty
Week 5: Autoimmune & Renal Conditions
Week 10: Frailty Care
Successful completion of progression criteria - Attendance, Clinical Learning Opportunities (CLOs), Case Based Discussions (CBDs), Tomorrows Doctors clinical skills procedures (T-DOCs) etc.)
One formative at the end of AC1 - this will be on Moodle in similar format for the ones you experienced in Phase 1.
End of Year 2 exams - a component of the exams will be questions from AC1
Monday OR Thursday → Based in the hospital
Tuesday AND Wednesday → Based in MTC
Friday → USUALLY based at home with online material to complete
Throughout the week, you will have self-paced activities to complete.
CBL → Twice a week
Group work sessions for CAI, CTB, VLE, Comm Skills and more
Face to face sessions to consolidate asynchronous material
UHCW, GEH or SWFT → You'll be at the same hospital for AC1 and CCE1 and then switch for CCE2 and CCE3
Bedside Teaching
Clinical Learning Opportunities (CLOs) → spending time in theatres & outpatient clinics, time with Allied Health Professionals, Clinical Nurse Specialists & Medical Support Services
T-DOCs → assessment of key clinical procedures in the clinical skills department (e.g. taking blood, cannulation, ABGs etc.)
Complete Case Based Discussion (CBD) on your e-Portfolio
This is essentially a time to get used to being on the wards and spend time with patients, following their journeys from admission to discharge.
Towards the end of AC1, you'll have 2 'transition weeks'.
The majority of your days will be spent on hospital placement in preparation for CCE.
This is the opportunity to immerse yourself into the clinical environment and the chance to meet the team you will be based with for CCE.
Try to spend as much time with patients as you can.
You will receive more sessions on how to get the most out of these weeks.
If you have any questions about AC1, please feel free to contact the AC1 lead: Kirstie Haywood - .
If you have any Phase II general/admin queries please email