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Science EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Synthetic Biology

EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Synthetic Biology

The EPSRC Synthetic Biology Centre for Doctoral Training (SBCDT) is a collaboration between Oxford, Warwick and Bristol Universities. It offers a four-year doctoral training programme that combines the fundamental understanding of biological systems with the principles of engineering, so as to create the next generation of industrial and academic leaders in the field of Synthetic Biology. The course is designed for students with both physical and life sciences backgrounds.

Fully funded studentships are now available.

The teaching and administrative centre of the SBCDT is located in Oxford but it draws upon expertise and resources from departments across all three participating universities.

The first two terms are devoted to acquiring the necessary theoretical and technical skills through a combination of intensive lecture courses, practicals, seminars, project work and research and communication skills training. Over the third term and summer period of the first year, students undertake two extended projects of approximately ten weeks duration each. These are similar in scope to a Masters level project and serve both as advanced training and to help students to choose their research topic for the final three years of the course. On completion of these exploratory projects, students undertake their substantive PhD research projects in one of the participating universities.

The training programme has been created in partnership with industrial, academic and public facing organizations and includes responsible innovation, transferable skills and outreach activities.

For full details visit

For synthetic biology at Warwick visit the Warwick Centre for Integrative Synthetic Biology

Graduate destinations
The SBCDT will produce internationally excellent researchers with key skills desired by prospective employers in the nascent field of Synthetic Biology. Students graduating from the CDT will be ideally placed to progress into many different scientific-based jobs, including multi-disciplinary research in both academia and industry. The SBCDT and its leading academics are well-linked to industrial and academic partners in the UK and worldwide allowing graduates of this programme to plug into a global network of emerging synthetic biology centres and opportunities.

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