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Xtreme Alps 2010

What is it?

What was done?

  • XA 2010 includes a much smaller group of individuals, where measurements are taken at London (75m) and again at The Capanna Regina Margherita (aka 'The Margherita Hut'), located on the top of Punta Gnifetti (Monte Rosa, 4559m) in the Alps.
  • This project also includes several sets of experiments that were not carried out during CXE 2007.
  • One previous follow-up has already taken place, called the Xtreme Everest Expedition 2009.
  • Another much larger follow-up to The CXE 2007 is expected to take place in 2013.

My Project

  • During July 2nd-4th 2010 I went down to London to help out on stage 1 of the Sea Level Testing.
  • When the team gets back at the end of August I will be helping to analyse the multiple types of samples that have been collected during the testing both at London and at the Margherita Hut.
  • These samples will act as validation for the values obtained from the Everest Expedition samples, and for any models produced from the Everest data.



