WASC News & Events
Warwick Analytical Graduate School (WAGS)
Following the success of the Warwick Analytical Science Summer School in 2008, The Warwick Centre for Analytical Science will be holding a series of specialised workshops in September and November/December (information to follow at a later date) which we would like to invite you to attend.
The September workshops will each be running over two days, beginning at lunch time on the first day and ending at lunch time or soon after on the second day. Lunch is provided on both days of the workshop and an evening meal will be provided on the first day. For EPSRC funded students there are free places available on the workshops and reimbursement for accommodation and daily allowance.
Our speakers are renowned experts in their field and will be offering students information on cutting edge methodologies and techniques.
Web page: http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/wcas/wags/
September Workshops 9th-10th September – Advanced Topics in Mass Spectrometry Workshop
Course Leader – Professor Peter O’Connor
This workshop will focus on a series of new methods and tools that are available in mass spectrometry, including:
The goal of this workshop is twofold, to introduce these techniques and to learn to interpret the resulting spectra. Thus, the lectures are expected to both explain the technique, but also to include a number of practical examples.
For more information and registration for this workshop please follow the link: http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/wcas/wags/massspec/
16th-17th September – Electroanalytical Chemistry Workshop
Course Leader – Professor Pat Unwin
Electroanalytical Chemistry has never been more vital as a subject, impacting directly on sensor technologies and diagnostic methods, and providing advanced techniques for investigating and characterising new materials and complex systems. WAGS - Electroanalytical Chemistry Workshop aims to provide PhD students in electrochemistry and other areas of analytical science with a critical overview of some of the most important topics in the field. As well as providing an opportunity to interact with world-leading experts, there will be a chance for students to present their work in a poster session and to interact and network with peers.
For more information and registration for this workshop and please follow the link: http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/wcas/wags/electrochem/ We look forward to welcoming you in September.