WASC News & Events
Anthony Bristow visiting lecturer for CH908
Anthony Bristow from Astra Zeneca will be giving a lecture on "Mass Spectrometry in the Real World" for masters level students on Thursday 21st January at 9.00 am in room C521.
Prof. Dr. Nacho Pascual visiting speaker
Prof. Dr. Nacho Pascual, from the Institute for Experimental Physics, Freie Universität Berlin, will be visiting the Centre/Chemistry Department on Tuesday 1st December and will be giving a talk on "Vibrational Kondo effect in charge-transfer organic layers" at 3.00pm in L5 (Science Concourse).
Professor Lamberti visiting Warwick
On Tuesday the 1st of December Professor Carlo Lamberti from The University of Turin, Chemistry Department and Nanostructured Interfaces and Surfaces Excellence Centre will give a talk in C521 at 2.15 pm. The theme of his talk will be the use of advanced photon and neutron sources for the study of new materials for applications in catalysis and molecule storage.
If you would like to meet with Professor Lamberti please contact Luca Salassa either via e-mail L.Salassa@warwick.ac.uk or on ext: 22256