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Warwick Analytical Sciences Workshops


Registration is now open for the 2014 summer school

Register here for CD and LD workshop
Free registration for CD User group meeting on 9th is available here

Where: MOAC Doctoral Training Centre, Coventry House (top floor), University of Warwick, Coventry (between the Arts Centre and Car Park 7, for directions go here: directions)

Course coordinator:
Alison Rodger and Bonnie Wallace

Purpose: To train researchers in circular dichroism and linear dichroism data analysis and related techniques and to see how they are used in current research.

What: All modules will include principles of the techniques and practical implementation: a DRAFT programme is here.

Who: The school and workshop is targeted at postgraduate students. PDRAs, academic staff and industrial participants are welcome if places are available.

What to bring: An A1 poster outlining your research interests, laptop if possible, memory stick, lab-coat and safety glasses.

PhD and PDRA costs: Application fee of £75 for PhD students and PDRAs covers winter workshop costs, daytime food, some evening food. The fee will be refunded if your application is unsuccessful (places are limited). We suggest you book accommodation at one of the hotels indicated on the accommodation website.

Non PhD/PDRA applicants: course fee is £250 which does not include accommodation.

Sessions to include:

Introduction to absorbance, fluorescence and circular dichroism spectroscopy
Principles of CD spectroscopy
Linear dichroism
Good practice
Data bases for biomacromolecules
CD of membrane proteins
What is inside a CD spectrometer
DNA-metalcomplex interactions
Applications of SRCD and CD to structural and functional genomics
CD theory & Dichrocalc

Visiting speakers to include: Janice Aldrich-Wright (University of Western Sydney), John Sutherland (East Carolina University) as well as the UK team which may include Jonathan Hirst (Nottingham), Bob Janes (Queen Mary), Sharon Kelly (Glasgow), Andy Miles (Birkbeck), Alison Rodger (University of Warwick), Bonnie Wallace (Birkbeck)

For more information please contact

Summer School 2013

LD CD summer school 2013


followed by the British Biophysical Society Conference

Getting to the University

 Accommodation options:

On campus:

Off campus:

 The Village Hotel

(use No. 12 bus to University of Warwick or taxi)

Ramada Hotel