W-CAS Older News
The Warwick Centre for Analytical Science Launch Event
The Warwick Centre for Analytical Science held a Launch Event on, Monday 23rd March to introduce the Centre to the wider analytical community at Warwick and our industry colleagues.
The proceedings were opened with a welcome address from Professor Mark E. Smith and an introduction by the Centre's Director, Professor Pat Unwin. Following on from there, were presentations given by the Centre's newest recruits Dr Fabio Rigat (Statistics), Professor Peter O'Connor (Chemistry) and also by Dr Nick Dale (Biological Sciences) and Dr Richard Beanland (Physics).
Our talented PhD Students and researchers were invited to display posters throughout the day and a prize, sponsored by I J Cambria Scientific, was awarded for the best presented poster. The calibre of posters were such, that not only one prize was awarded, but two. Congratulations go to Mathias Schnippering and to Jin Lu who were awarded a certificate and a cheque for £200 each.
Professor Mark E. Smith congratulates Jin Lu and Mathias Schnippering
Approximately 70 guests attended throughout the afternoon and all found the experience interesting, entertaining and enlightening.
The Centre would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who were involved in making the day a success and thank those who rewarded their efforts by attending.