WASC News & Events
Analytical Science CDT External Partner day - 13th May 2019
5th Annual Midlands Biophysics Network Symposium
Dear Colleagues
We are pleased to announce that registration is now open for the 5th Annual Midlands Biophysics Network Symposium which will take place on Wednesday 18th April 2012 at the School of Life and Health Sciences, Aston University.
This year the theme will be ‘Towards Novel Drug Targets’ and we will select the majority of talks from submitted abstracts interpreting the theme broadly to have a varied and exciting programme. The deadline for abstract submission is Sunday March 18th 2012
Our invited speakers this year are:
Prof. Ian Martin (Aston)
Prof. Stephen Hill (Nottingham)
Prof. Mark Wheatley (Birmingham)
Prof. Richard Neutze (Gothenburg)
For further details please see attached poster and visit: www.midlandsbiophysics.org.
The local organizing committee:
Roslyn Bill, Alice Rothnie, David Poyner, Thomas Wassmer, Stephane Gross, Zita Balklava, Matt Conner, James Barwell.
On behalf of the Midlands Biophysics Network Representatives:
Roslyn Bill, Helen Cooper, Tim Dafforn, Ann Dixon, Klaus Fütterer, Peter Moody, Dave Scott, John Schwabe, Corinne Smith