The Supervisory Team
Nominated project supervisors and secondments for the ESR undertaking a given project. Bold denotes lead supevisor.
Project 1.1: Bacterial inner membrane remodelling by force generation of FtsZ fibres
Supervisors: Baglioni (Florence), Smith, Turner (Warwick)
Industrial secondment: MattStocker Ltd
International secondment: Florence
Project 1.2: Organisation of the divisome complex components
Supervisors: Khalid (Southampton), Daley (Stockholm), Rodger (Warwick), Sanders (Bruker Daltonik GmbH)
Industrial secondment: Bruker Daltronik GmbH
International secondment: Stockholm
Project 1.3: Methodologies for cell division membrane protein production, purification and characterisation
Supervisors: den Blaauwen (Amsterdam), Hanna-Brown (Pfizer), Roper (Warwick)
Industrial secondment: Pfizer
International secondment: Amsterdam
Project 1.4: Influx and efflux of nutrients and substrates: regulation and dynamic adaptation
Supervisors: Driessen (Groningen), van den Berg (Warwick)
Industrial secondment: CPO/Jasco UK Ltd
International secondment: Groningen Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology Institute
Project 1.5: Peptidoglycan structure and remodelling
Supervisors: den Blaauwen (Amsterdam), BrownS, Lewandowski (Warwick), Millichip (SGS M-Scan Ltd), Roper (Warwick)
Industrial secondment: SGS M-Scan Ltd
International secondment: Amsterdam
Project 1.6: Bacterial cell division molecular assemblies as targets for antibacterial drug design
Supervisors: von Heijne (Stockholm), Robinson (Warwick), Dowson (Warwick)
Industrial secondment: Pfizer/EllisonWebb
International secondment: Stockholm
Project 2.1: Statistical methodologies for maximising the information extracted from data
Supervisors: Brown (Warwick), Ellison (LGC Ltd), Spencer (Warwick)
Industrial secondment: LGC Ltd
International secondment: Göteborg
Project 2.2: On-line flow analysis for potential genotoxic impurities
Supervisors: Ray (AstraZeneca), Kowalski (Polish Academy of Sciences), Macpherson (Warwick)Industrial secondment: AstraZeneca
International secondment: Polish Academy of Sciences
Project 2.3: Protein biopharmaceuticals: probing correct folding with new near IR, polarized Raman spectroscopy, circular dichroism, and NMR spectroscopies
Supervisors: Blindauer, Rodger (Warwick), Sanders (Bruker Daltronik GmbH)
Industrial secondment: Bruker Daltronik GmbH
International secondment: Gaussian Inc.
Project 2.4: Electron magnetic resonance techniques for pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical characterization
Supervisors: Lea (Bruker UK Ltd), Newton (Warwick)
Industrial secondment: Bruker UK Ltd
International secondment: East Carolina
Project 2.5: Detailed structural analysis of excipients, active ingredients, and their release mechanisms and rates in drug formulations
Supervisors: Bristow (AstraZeneca), Brown (Warwick), Suckau (Bruker Daltonik)
Industrial secondment: AstraZeneca
International secondment: Bruker Daltronik GmbH
Project 2.6: Functional on-line testing of biopharmaceuticals
Supervisors: Covington (Warwick), Dafforn and Hicks (Linear Diagnostics Ltd), Rodger (Warwick)
Industrial secondment: Linear Diagnostics Ltd
International secondment: Aarhus
Project 2.7: Mechanisms of pharmaceutical drug dissolution
Supervisors: BrownS, Hughes (AstraZeneca), Unwin (Warwick)
Industrial secondment: AstraZeneca
International secondment: AstraZeneca