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New Staff: Dr. James Kermode

Dr. James Kermode joins the Warwick Centre for Predictive Modelling and the School of Engineering as an Assistant Professor. He arrives from the Department of Physics at King's College London, where he worked with Prof. Alessandro De Vita to understand fracture at the atomic scale. Dr. Kermode is a theoretical physicist with expertise in developing multiscale materials modelling algorithms and the software that implements them. He has a track record in using this parameter-free modelling to make quantitative predictions of "chemomechanical" materials failure processes where stress and chemistry are tightly coupled, and is looking forward to applying and extending these techniques within the Centre.

Mon 01 Dec 2014, 18:14 | Tags: People

New Staff: Dr. Manuel A. Aldegunde Rodriguez

Dr. Aldegunde Rodriguez joins the WCPM as a Research Fellow from Swansea University. After studies at the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, he received his PhD from the same institution in 2009. He worked as a Researcher at the Centro de Supercomputación de Galicia from 2010 to 2012 (spending some time as Visiting Scholar at the University of Glasgow). In Swansea, he worked as Research Officer in the Nanoelectric Devices Group with Dr. Antonio Martinez and Dr. Karol Kalna.

His research interests are focused in the development of tools for the simulation of electron transport in semiconductor devices.

Mon 10 Nov 2014, 12:32 | Tags: People

New Staff: Dr. Peter Brommer

Dr. Peter Brommer joins the Warwick Centre for Predictive Modelling and the School of Engineering as Assistant Professor. He arrives from Physics at Warwick, where he was working with David Quigley, Neil Wilson and Gavin Bell. Peter obtained his PhD from the University of Stuttgart working on obtaining effective potentials for complex metallic alloys. He later spent some time at the Université de Montréal, where he studied defect evolution in irradiated materials.

Peter is the main author of potfit, an implementation of the Force Matching method, and his expertise is in multiscale materials modelling.

Tue 21 Oct 2014, 15:28 | Tags: People