Education Studies Bookcase

Education Studies Virtual Bookcase
Discover a range of recently published books and monographs from Education Studies
Gendering the Massification Generation: Higher Education Access and Choice in India
Emily F. Henderson, Nidhi S. Sabharwal, Anjali Thomas, Julie Mansuy, Ann Stewart, Sharmila Rathee, Renu Yadav, Nikita Samanta
December 2023
Making Sense of Academic Conferences: Presenting, Participating and Organising
James Burford and Emily F. Henderson
December 2022
Research Handbook on University Rankings: Theory, Methodology, Influence and Impact
Edited by Ellen Hazelkorn and Georgiana Mihut
December 2021
Re-imagining Doctoral Writing
Edited by Cecile Badenhorst, Brittany Amell and James Burford
August 2021
Kid Power, Inequalities and Intergenerational Relations
Clara Rübner Jørgensen and Michael Wyness
July 2021
Exploring Diary Methods in Higher Education Research: Opportunities, Choices and Challenges
Edited by Xuemeng Cao and Emily F. Henderson
March 2021
Young People's Play, Wellbeing and Learning: Psycho-Social and Virtual Geographies in Digital Play
Dimitra Hartas
November 2020
Preparation and Development of School Leaders in Africa
Edited by Pontso Moorosi and Tony Bush
October 2020
Research Methods: The Key ConceptsLink opens in a new window
Michael Hammond and Jerry Wellington
September 2020
Gender, Definitional Politics and 'Live' Knowledge Production: Contesting Concepts at Conferences
Emily F. Henderson
July 2020
Education Research: The BasicsLink opens in a new window
Michael Hammond and Jerry Wellington
July 2019
The SAGE Handbook of Comparative Studies in Education
Edited by Emma Smith, Larry Suter and Brian Denman
June 2019
Starting with Gender in International Higher Education Research: Conceptual Debates and Methodological Considerations
Edited by Emily F. Henderson and Z Nicolazzo
December 2018
The BERA/SAGE Handbook of Educational Research
Edited by Emma Smith, Dominic Wyse, Neil Selwyn and Larry Suter
July 2017