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Professor Geoff Lindsay

Job Title
Director of Research, Social Sciences Office
Centre for Educational Development, Appraisal and Research
024 765 23638
Research Interests
  • Special educational needs and disability
  • Inclusion
  • Early identification and intervention
  • Parenting support
  • Ethics and practice of educational and health professionals
  • Educational evaluation

View Geoff's publications on the University of Warwick Publications service.


I am now Director of Research in the Faculty of Social Sciences. I am also Professor Emeritus in the Centre for Educational Development, Appraisal and Research (CEDAR), having been its Director from 1999 until December 2020. Before joining Warwick in 1995 I was Principal Educational Psychologist of the Sheffield Psychological Service. My main research concerns special educational needs and disability (SEND), parenting support, and early intervention, although these three strands interact. Previous work has included a consultancy to the Lamb Inquiry into parents' confidence in the special educational needs system; leading the Better Communication Research Programme, part of the government's response to the Bercow Review into provision for children and young people with speech, language and communication needs; and leading the 5-year evaluation of the Parenting Early Intervention Programme (including the Pathfinder) of targeted parenting programmes and 3-year CANparent trial of universal parenting classes. I was Specialist Adviser to the House of Commons Select Committee on Education for its consideration of the Bill which subsequently became the Children & Families Act, 2014. My recent research includes the early formative evaluation of the Early Intervention Foundation, the Parent Gym parenting programme, the sustained implementation of parenting programmes by local authorities after the end of the Parenting Early Intervention Programme, and of the Review of arrangements for disagreement resolution (SEND) an important element of the Children & Families Act 2014.

I am a past President of the British Psychological Society and for many years led the BPS's initiative to secure the statutory regulation of psychologists. I was the Convener of the Standing Committee on Ethics of the European Federation of Psychologists Associations 1999-2009.

I was Chair of the Inclusion Commission, Birmingham City Council (2017-18) and a member of the decision-making panel for the independent review following up the outcomes of the Bercow Review 2008 of provision for children and young people with speech and language needs: Bercow-Ten Years On.
I am also the founding Chief Editor of the journal Frontiers in Education: Special educational needs. Currently I am also the Chair of the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Commission for the London Borough of Newham.

Title Funder Award start Award end
Evaluation of 'Fulfilling Lives: A Better Start' Big Lottery Fund 01 Oct 2013 30 Sep 2024
Evaluators' Panel Education Endowment Foundation 01 Jun 2019 31 May 2024
REducing the risk of criminal exploitation using multiSystEmic Therapy Youth Endowment Fund 01 Nov 2019 31 Jan 2022
Understanding and supporting the psychological wellbeing of fathers of children with Intellectual Disability (ID) (Postdoc Fellowship - Emma Langley) ESRC 01 Oct 2019 31 Jul 2021
SEND evidence review Education Endowment Foundation 01 Mar 2019 01 Mar 2020
Early Positive Approaches to Support (E-PAtS) for families of young children with intellectual disability: Feasibility study National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Jan 2018 31 Oct 2019
Independent study of the impact of a workshop on training for staff of Hyundai Motor Group implemented by Artis Artis Education Limited 01 Aug 2018 31 Oct 2018
Pluralisation, the welfare state and civil associations Research Council of Norway 01 Aug 2014 30 Jun 2018
RSC survey based quantitative research project Royal Shakespeare Company 01 Mar 2017 31 Mar 2018
Independent study of workshop impact Artis Education Limited 24 Jan 2017 23 Jan 2018
An Evaluation of the impact of the Early Intervation Foundation (EIF) Early Intervention Foundation 21 Nov 2014 15 Oct 2017
BCC Inclusion Commission Birmingham City Council 08 Aug 2016 07 Aug 2017
Evaluate the state-wide rollout of Triple P in Queensland ADASIS Consulting Pty Limited 01 Aug 2016 31 May 2017
Review of arrangements for disagreement resolution (SEND) Department for Education 01 Apr 2015 31 Mar 2017
Innovation Fund: Help and Support for Separated Families ? Main Stage Evaluation of Round 1 & 2 Projects Department for Work and Pensions 01 Feb 2015 31 Jul 2016
Evaluation of Parent Gym classes. Mind Gym Limited 01 Sep 2015 31 Mar 2016
Evaluation of Universal Parenting classes - 2014-15 Department of Health 30 Jun 2014 29 Mar 2015
A survey of Mathematical Anxiety among existing apprentices Gatsby Charitable Foundation 01 Jun 2014 30 Sep 2014
Evaluation of Universal Parenting classes Department for Education 01 Apr 2012 31 Mar 2014
Big lottery fund - Sub Project Big Lottery Fund 01 Oct 2013 31 Jan 2014
Breaking the cycle through social investment Addaction 01 Jun 2012 30 Nov 2013
Investigation of Key Stage 2 access arrangement procedures Department for Education 12 Oct 2012 31 Mar 2013
Evaluation of two Addaction projects: Childrens Centre Project and skills4change Programme Addaction 04 Jul 2011 29 Mar 2013
AET Programme Evaluation Autism Education Trust (AET) 11 Nov 2011 01 Mar 2013
Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN) Cost-Effectiveness Research Programme Department for Children, Schools and Families 01 Sep 2009 31 Aug 2012
A Headstart at School for Children in Poverty The Save the Children Fund 17 Mar 2011 01 Sep 2011
Supplement to 23168: Evaluation of impact of DCSF investment in initiatives designed to improve teacher workforce skills in relation to SEN and Disabilities Department for Education 03 Nov 2010 31 Mar 2011
Evaluation of impact of DCSF investment in initiatives designed to improve teacher workforce skills in relation to SEN and disabilities Department for Children, Schools and Families 30 Dec 2008 31 Mar 2011
Parenting Early Intervention Programme Department for Children, Schools and Families 01 Sep 2008 31 Mar 2011
SEN and disability niche framework: Lot 1 Lamb Inquiry Department for Children, Schools and Families 18 Jan 2010 28 Feb 2010
Review of the Dance and Drama Awards Scheme Learning and Skills Council (Coventry) 01 Jul 2009 31 Dec 2009
Evaluation of the parent support advisor pilot - Tender Department for Education and Skills 01 Sep 2006 31 Aug 2009
Stand up for Shakespeare - RSC Learning and Performance Network Training and Development Agency for Schools 12 Jan 2009 31 Mar 2009
International review of the diagnostic procedures/tools used to diagnose a disability and the assessment procedures/tools used to identify the special educational needs arising from the diagnosed disability National Council for Special Education (Ireland) 01 Aug 2008 31 Dec 2008
Evaluation of early intervention path finders Department for Education and Skills 01 Sep 2006 31 Dec 2008
Evaluation of the Parent Support Advisor Pilot Department for Children, Schools and Families 01 Oct 2006 20 Dec 2008
Managing Research Projects: Supporting Researchers in Collaborative Project Management ESRC 01 Oct 2005 30 Sep 2008
Visit of Dr Saadia Tayyab to CEDAR Higher Education Commission of Pakistan 01 Sep 2007 31 Aug 2008
Contract Amendment - Raising the achievement of children: sub-contract with Institute of Education, London The Institute of Education 01 May 2005 31 Aug 2008
Bercow Review: The Effective and Efficient use of Resources in Services for Children and Young People with Speech, Language and Communication Difficulties Department for Children, Schools and Families 22 Jan 2008 21 Jun 2008
Research Mentors and action research support Arts Council of England 01 Apr 2007 31 Mar 2008
Supplement to Evaluation of the parent Support and Advisor Pilot - First Cleaning of LA databases Department for Children, Schools and Families 01 Oct 2006 31 Mar 2008
Nagty - evaluation of the summer - school programme 2005 - 2008 National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth 01 Jul 2005 31 Mar 2008
Towards an Holistic Institutional Approach to Pedagogy and Servicing student Needs Arts Educational Schools London (artsed) 01 Oct 2007 28 Feb 2008
Evaluation of the NAGTY GOAL programme National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth 01 Mar 2007 28 Feb 2008
Closing The Gap Warwickshire County Council 01 Sep 2007 31 Dec 2007
Supplement to PEIP + Time to Talk Project Department for Education and Skills 01 Sep 2007 31 Oct 2007
Evaluation of the Federations Programme - Extension Department for Education and Skills 01 Nov 2003 31 Mar 2007
Evaluation of summer schools programme - extension to 16562 National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth 01 Aug 2006 31 Jan 2007
Minority Ethnic Pupils in the Longitudinal Study of Young People in Education Department for Education and Skills 01 Aug 2006 31 Jan 2007
Schools as Creative Beacons Arts Council of England 01 Jun 2006 31 Dec 2006
Speed and Language Therapy Support for Children with SEN Canterbury Christ Church University 01 Apr 2006 30 Sep 2006
Evaluation of Federations Programme Department for Education and Skills 01 Nov 2003 30 Sep 2006
Raising the achievement of children: sub-contract with Institute of Education, London The Institute of Education 01 May 2005 31 Aug 2006
Evaluation of the Early Support Pilot - Chelmsley Wood Early Support (National Childrens Bureau) 01 Jan 2006 31 Jul 2006
Supplement - Evolution of the Early Support Pilot - Chelmsley Wood Early Support (National Childrens Bureau) 01 Jan 2006 31 Jul 2006
Evaluation of the National Academy of Gifted and Talented Youth Entrepreneurship Programme. National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth 01 Sep 2004 31 Jul 2006
An Investigation of Key Performance Indicators for the Information Service, University of Birmingham. University of Birmingham 01 Mar 2006 31 Mar 2006
Electronic Registration Project Department for Education and Skills 01 Sep 2002 24 Mar 2006
Evaluation of the Dance and Drama Award Scheme Department for Education and Skills 01 Feb 2003 31 Jan 2006
Evaluation of the Dance and Drama Award Scheme Department for Education and Skills 01 Feb 2003 31 Jan 2006
Special Education Needs and Ethnicity - A Literature Review Department for Education and Skills 31 Jul 2005 31 Dec 2005
KTP Project with Leicester City West Primary Care NHS Trust Leicester City West Primary Care Group 01 Jan 2004 31 Dec 2005
Identification of pupils for membership of NAGTY - a review of current practice. National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth 01 Nov 2005 30 Nov 2005
A Study of Boys Underachievement within the Oldham Federation Grange School 01 Apr 2005 31 Jul 2005
Young peoples levels of aspiration Birmingham City Council 01 Apr 2005 31 Jul 2005
Teaching Creatively and Teaching for Creativity through the Arts in Solihull Research Project Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council 01 Jan 2004 31 Jul 2005
Pilot of personal development plans for students at the university of warwick - an evaluation. Higher Education Funding Council for England 01 Mar 2005 30 Jun 2005
KTP IP Contract Leicester City West Primary Care Group 31 Mar 2004 31 Mar 2005
Evaluation of PGCE Plus Gatsby Charitable Foundation 14 Jan 2004 13 Jan 2005
Evaluation of National Childrens Homes National Childrens Homes Sure Start (Chelmsley Wood) 01 Jan 2004 31 Dec 2004
Nagty evaluation of the second multi - site summer school programme 2004. National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth 01 Jul 2004 30 Nov 2004
Educational Provision of children with specific speech & language difficulties - the investigation of good practice. Nuffield Foundation 01 Jan 2003 30 Jun 2004
SAND British Educational Communications and Technology Agency 11 Nov 2002 01 Dec 2003
Nagty Evaluation of the first multi-site summer school programme 2003. National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth 01 Jul 2003 30 Nov 2003
Evaluation of the Key Stage 2 Language Learning Pathfinders Department for Education and Skills 01 Sep 2003 30 Sep 2003
Raising Educational Standards London Borough of Newham 28 Oct 2002 30 Sep 2003
Heads You Win Esmee Fairburn Charitable Trust 01 Aug 1999 31 Dec 2002