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Growth Recurring in Preindustrial Spain (2022)

Growth Recurring in Preindustrial Spain (2022)

21/2023 Leandro Prados de la Escosura
Link to paper:
dataset, europe, gdp

21/2023 Leandro Prados de la Escosura

Research in economic history has challenged a strict Malthusian depiction of prein dustrial European economies, highlighting ‘eforescences’, ‘Smithian’ and ‘growth recurring’ episodes. Do these defning concepts apply to preindustrial Spain? In this paper, we carry out new yearly estimates of output and population for over half-a millennium. We fnd that our estimates of agricultural output on the basis of tithes largely confrm those obtained using a demand function approach supporting its use in the absence of direct information. We show that, although levels of output per head in the early nineteenth century were not much different from those in the eve of the Black Death, preindustrial Spain was far from stagnant. Phases of simultaneous per capita output and population expansion and shrinkage alternated, lending support to the recurring growth and frontier economy hypotheses. A long phase of sustained growth and lower inequality collapsed in the 1570s and gave way to another one of sluggish growth and higher inequality. As an alternative to a Malthusian interpretation, we hypothesise that, in preindustrial Spain, growth and decline are largely explained by individual and collective economic decisions.

Link to paper:

L. Prados de la Escosura,C. Álvarez-Nogal, and C. Santiago-Caballero (2022), Growth Recurring in Preindustrial Spain?_Cliometrica_16_215-241.pdf