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Spain's Historical National Accounts 1850-2023 (2024)

Spain's Historical National Accounts 1850-2023 (2024)

18/2023 Leandro Prados de la Escosura
Leandro Prados de la Escosura (2017), Spanish Economic Growth, 1850-2015 (London: Palgrave Macmillan)
dataset, europe, gdp

18/2023 Leandro Prados de la Escosura

Spain's Historical National Accounts: Expenditure and Output, 1850-2023

Leandro Prados de la Escosura (2017), Spanish Economic Growth, 1850-2015 (London: Palgrave Macmillan)



TABLE 1. Gross Domestic Product and its Expenditure Components, 1850-2023 (million Euro)

TABLE 2. Gross Domestic Product, Gross and Net National income, 1850-2023 (million Euro)

TABLE 3. Absolute and Per Capita Gross Domestic Product, Gross and Net Domestic income, 1850-2023 (million Euro and Euro)

TABLE 4 Volume Indices of Absolute and Per Capita Gross Domestic Product, Gross and Net National Income, 1850-2023 (2010=100)

TABLE 5. Shares of Expenditure Components in Gross Domestic Product, 1850-2023 (percentage)

TABLE 6. Volume Indices of Gross Domestic Product and its Expenditure Components, 1850-2023 (2010=100)

TABLE 7. Deflators of Gross Domestic Product and its Expenditure Components, 1850-2023 (2010=100)

TABLE 8. Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation, 1850-2023 (million Euro)

TABLE 9. Composition of Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation, 1850-2023 (percentages)

TABLE 10. Volume Indices of Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation, 1850-2023 (2010=100)

TABLE 11. Deflators of Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation, 1850-2023 (2010=100)


TABLE 12. Gross Domestic Product and its Output Components, 1850-2023 (million Euro)

TABLE 13. Absolute and Per Capita Gross Value Added and Gross Domestic Product at market prices, 1850-2023 (million Euro and Euro)

TABLE 14. Volume Indices of Absolute and Per Capita Gross Domestic Product at market prices and Gross Value Added, 1850-2023 (2010=100)

TABLE 15. Shares of Output Components in Gross Value Added, 1850-2023 (percentage)

TABLE 16. Volume Indices of Gross Value Added and its Output Components, 1850-2023 (2010=100)

TABLE 17. Deflators of Gross Value Added and its Output Components, 1850-2023 (2010=100)

TABLE 18. Employment (full-time equivalent), 1850-2023 (million)

TABLE 19. Sector Shares in Employment (full-time equivalent), 1850-2023 percentage)

TABLE 20. Relative Sector Labour Productivity (GVA / full-time equivalent employment), 1850-2023

TABLE 21. Labour Productivity Indices (Gross Value Added per full-time equivalent worker), 1850-2023 (2010=100)

TABLE 22. Hours Worked, 1850-2023 (million)

TABLE 23. Sector Shares in Worked Hours, 1850-2023 (percentage)

TABLE 24. Relative Sector Labour Productivity (GVA / hour worked), 1850-2023

TABLE 25. Labour Productivity Levels (GVA per worked hour), 1850-2023 (2010=100)

TABLE 26. Hours Worked per full-time equivalent worker/year, 1850-2023


TABLE 27. Real Per Capita Gross Domestic Product, 1850-2023 (Geary-Khamis $1990)

TABLE 28. Real Per Capita Gross Domestic Product, 1850-2023 (GEKS $2021)

Revised: December 2024

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