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International Happiness

International Happiness

39/2011 David G. Blanchflower and Andrew Oswald
behavioural economics and wellbeing, working papers
Academy of Management Perspectives, Vol.25 (No.1). pp. 6-22

39/2011 David G. Blanchflower and Andrew Oswald

This paper describes the findings from a new, and intrinsically interdisciplinary, literature on happiness and human well-being. The paper focuses on international evidence. We report the patterns in modern data; we discuss what has been persuasively established and what has not; we suggest paths for future research. Looking ahead, our instinct is that this social-science research avenue will gradually merge with a related literature -- from the medical, epidemiological, and biological sciences -- on biomarkers and health. Nevertheless, we expect that intellectual convergence to happen slowly.

Behavioural Economics and Wellbeing

Academy of Management Perspectives, Vol.25 (No.1). pp. 6-22