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Economic Impact of Significant New Deployment of Infrastructure: Historical examples and links to potential high impact outcomes for 5G

Economic Impact of Significant New Deployment of Infrastructure: Historical examples and links to potential high impact outcomes for 5G

669/2023 Jonathan Cave, Michael Waterson, Giuliana Battisti
working papers, public policy

669/2023 Jonathan Cave, Michael Waterson, Giuliana Battisti

This paper aims to examine quantitatively and qualitatively the impact of five key general-purpose technologies in order to gain insights into what factors may arise in relation to 5G as a potential example. We first attempt a definition of what constitutes a general-purpose technology, providing a potential framework for analysis of impact mechanisms then take this to the five case studies. It is difficult to capture the impacts of such technologies because their scope is broad and commonly a suitable base case from which to measure impact is missing. In addition, there are in each case antecedents and complementary developments which influence their impact. However, our analysis points to a range of factors that must be considered in relation to potential new candidate technologies, including a range of potential governmental interventions.

Public Policy