Public Policy and Data
This theme investigates how best to design policies to tackle the most pressing challenges world economies face.
It features researchers working across multiple disciplines, including statistics, health and behavioural science. Our associates go out of their way to collect and analyse novel data sources and employ a wide range of empirical methods, structural modelling, policy evaluation and machine learning. They also conduct field experiments working directly alongside government agencies to provide evidence to drive effective policy change.
Theme leaders
Ludovica Gazze
Ludovica Gazze is Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Warwick
Current and future projects
Our researchers are working in a wide range of areas. Current and future projects include analysis of whether the UK should have a wealth tax, the post-COVID labour market, monitoring technologies and police violence, gender equality in the workplace, assistance for refugees in developing countries, and effective approaches to environment regulations.
Research highlights
Economic Impact of Significant New Deployment of Infrastructure: Historical examples and links to potential high impact outcomes for 5G, Jonathan Cave, Michael Waterson, Giuliana Battisti, REPEC, 2023
(How) Do electoral surprises drive business cycles? Evidence from a new dataset, Thiemo Fetzer, Ivan Yotzov, Social Science Research Network, 2023
Catch me if you can: Gaps in the Register of Overseas Entities, Arun Advani, Cesar Poux, Anna Powell-Smith and Andy Summers, REPEC, 2023
Brexit and consumer food prices, Jan David Bakker, Nikhil Datta, Richard Davies and Josh De Lyon, Centre for Economic Performance, 2023
Differences in On-the-Job Learning across Firms, Jaime Arellano-Bover, Fernando Saltiel, Institute of Labor Economics, 2021
Our special issue of Advantage magazineLink opens in a new window showcases some of the recent research from our Public policy and data theme.