Electronic Law Journals

The Journal of Information, Law & Technology (JILT) was established in
the mid 1990s as an innovative peer-reviewed electronic law journal covering a range of topics relating to
the combined field of law and information technology.
The journal carries high quality refereed academic articles but also non-refereed articles, commentaries, case notes, information papers, work in progress pieces, book and IT reviews, conference reports and papers, news, and both UK
and global conferences.
It is a free of charge publication and all articles are accessible online.
Click on the JILT logo above to go to the JILT home page and access all issues since 1996.

The Entertainment and Sports Law Journal is a peer-reviewed electronic law journal located within a dynamic and rapidly expanding area of legal theory and legal practice.
The journal’s main focus is on the publication of high quality refereed articles. In addition it is interested in publishing case notes, commentaries and other shorter pieces (see ‘Interventions’ in previous Volumes for examples of these). The journal also includes book reviews, and is happy to receive other material, please contact one of the Editors if in doubt.
It is a free of charge publication and all articles are accessible online. Articles etc. that were originally published in hard copy by Frank Cass journals from 2001 to 2003 have been made available as PDF files in this site.
Click on the ESLJ logo above to go to the ESLJ home page and access all issues since 2001.